Sun Protection Santa Barbara

sun protection santa barbara le reve spaSun Protection

sun-protection-le-reve-spaThe SUN is shinning and the SUMER SEASON is upon us Santa Barbara. Remember that using sun protection is a MUST!
Make sure that you are taking the time to protect your beautiful skin from the suns damaging rays with great UVA/UVB sun protection like the Eminence Tropical Vanilla Day Cream or Tropical Vanilla Body Sunscreen, Eminence Tomato Day Cream SPF16, Jurlique Sun Specialist, La Bella Donna Translucent Sun Protection or Sea & Summit Sun Stick.  


UVA rays penetrate deep into the dermis (the skin’s thickest layer) and can lead to premature aging and wrinkling of the skin, as well as immune suppression when left unprotected. Even when you’re gardening it’s important to seek shelter in somewhere like a utility shed, as it’s surprising just how little exposure you need in order to cause damage. UVA-UVB Rays explained by Le Reve Spa

UVB rays will usually burn the superficial layers (the epidermis) of your skin.

It only takes 15 minutes to begin to see the damaging effects of this ultraviolet light.

UV Light Spectrum - Le Reve Spa


Liquid Sun Protection comes in two different forms; Sunblock and Sunscreen. Here at Le Reve Organic Spa & Boutique you will find sun protection in every form.

Sunblock is also referred to as a physical block or mineral defense sun protection system. This is a recommended type of sun protection for anyone who is outdoors for extended periods of time. With sunblock minerals such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide create a barrier against both the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. Sunblock is typically thicker and because the minerals used in sunblock are usually white in color a slight cant may remain visible when applied to the skin. If you are concerned with looking pale because of sunblock, rest assured that these products which do leave a slightly visible mineral appearance are subtle. Additionally, it is important to note that this form of liquid sun protection cannot be beat by the chemical sunscreen method. If you are only interested in a sunblock or mineral defense sun protection product then La Bella Donna Translucent Sun Protection, Eminence Tomato Day Cream, or the Sea & Summit Sun Stick is for you! If you are admit that sunblock is not for you, all then you have two remaining options: Liquid Sunscreen or a Combination of sunblock and sunscreen together.
Sunscreen is also referred to as chemical sun protection. This form of liquid sun protection is more lightweight and virtually transparent. With sunscreen chemicals such as oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and octinoxate are included in the skincare product to screen the suns harmful UVA and UVB rays. These chemical additives absorb and disperse UVB rays, preventing them from penetrating skin. Sunscreen can and should be used on a daily basis for regular activity like your work commute. If you are interested in this type of sun protection then Eminence Tropical Vanilla Day Cream, Tropical Vanilla Body Sunscreen and Jurlique Sun Specialist are for you!  

*Want to learn more about Chemical Sunscreen? Follow our blog for future installments!!!



There are also a few things aside from our main defense; wearing sunblock and/or sunscreen that we can do to help lower our chances of UV skin damage.The first defense; avoid prolong exposure to the sun. This is the easiest and most sure-proof way to protect your skin. However, for many of us, the idea of limiting your time outside when the sun is shining is simply not an option. If this last statement is true for you remember these other defenses. The second defense; wear hats. Sporting a sexy summer hat with a wide brim does more than just make you look super chic, it protects your face , neck, and decolletté from direct sun light. Make sun protection a fashion statement! Our third defense; long sleeve shirt and pants.

Simply combine all of these defenses with your sunscreen and/or sun block and become the poster-child for great healthy skin!

Fake it, Don’t Bake it!

When it comes to your beautiful skin don’t damage it trying for that summer glow. Wear your sunblock and get your real tan at Le Reve Organic Spa & Boutique, to keep skin healthy and smooth.Sunless Tan - Le Reve Spa
Learn more about our spray tanning options here.
Call 805-564-2977 to book your Le Reve Sunless Tan with a spa coordinator or you may also book online.

See you at the spa!_Bridgette

Le Reve Organic Spa & Boutique

21 W Gutierrez St Santa Barbara Ca 93101


Mind Body Facial Santa Barbara

Check out the Mind and Body Facial Santa Barbara!

Its all about the Mind and Body Facial at Le Reve Organic Spa & Boutique!!! The Mind and Body Facial provides stones to help realign your chakras and hot stones to melt away tension all while you receive a fabulous rejuvenating facial with our AMAZING organic skin care.

Allow this fabulous spa treatment to take the guesswork out of choosing between rejuvenating your face or body.
Mind and Body Facial Santa Barbara - Le Reve Spa “I absolutely love this facial!!! It leaves my skin looking and feeling fantastic and helps alleviate the built up tension I get from working at a computer during at my job for 40hrs a week”
If you are finding yourself stressed and worn out, a great pick me up is our Mind and Body facial.

Le Reve Mind and Body Facial

During the Mind and Body Facial, you will experience Le Reve famous aromatherapy while stones are applied to your seven chakras helping to rebalance your mind and body. Your face, neck, and décolleté will be deeply cleansed with our luxurious organic skincare to remove impurities, dirt, and oil. An exfoliant is applied to remove dead skin leaving you radiant and renewed. A relaxing head, neck, and shoulder massage will be provided while our amazing organic masks penetrate to help treat your renewed beautiful skin. Hot stones are applied to the hands and arms to continue to melt away tension while hands and feet are bathed in coconut oils.
This restorative facial is a one stop spa treatment for relaxation rejuvenation. 
Mind and Body Facial Santa Barbara - Le Reve Spa
Book this or any of our wonderful spa treatments with us online or with a Le Reve Spa Coordinator by calling 805-564-2977
We look forward to hearing from you!

Facial Frequency: How often is good?

Facial Frequency: How Often Should You Receive a Facial?

When it comes to Facial Frequency, is receiving a facial once a month enough?
To me, the answer varies.  For the client who just loves the “spa-ahh” environment, it’s a great way to treat one’s self along with getting the benefits of treating the skin. 



For a client who has a bit of congestion or chronic breakouts (including acne), I’d recommend the Deep Clarifying facial weekly. A gentle exfoliant is used along with refining and purifying masks that soften and detox the skin along with extractions, which play a big part in the process of “cleaning-out-the-skin”. Receiving the Deep Clarifying weekly allows for your Esthetician to see how your skin reacts to products and how your skin is changing. Whenever this is achieved  you may start to receive a facial every 3-4 weeks. Of course if you cannot do this, Esthetician’s are here to help educate you by providing a personalized prescription card of product recommendations along with how and when to use these treatments. But I do not recommend self-extracting. You can damage the skin and leave scarring if you do not perform them properly. You have to know what you can and cannot touch. Leave it to the experts!  

Facial Frequency - Galvanic Treatment - Le Reve SpaMoving onto our famous Age-Defying Facial. This one does it all! In this treatment, we do a thorough cleanse along with a powerful enzyme that contains yam and pumpkin puree that exfoliates, stimulates collagen production and evens skin tone. Now every client’s skin is different so the masks we use will be different for everyone. But one thing that is the same is the use of the Galvanic Treatment over these masks. If you’ve received the Age-Defying before and aren’t sure what this is and does, here’s an explanation:
 Galvanic current is a continuous electric current that flows in one direction. During the first mask, we are “pre-treating” with the Galvanic instrument on a negative charge. Since like charges repel each other, the negative charge of the Galvanic Instrument repels or pushes the mask into the skin. The purifying ingredients bind with impurities in the skin causing them to have a negative charge.
  During the second mask, both the mask and the Galvanic instrument are positively charged. These positive charges repel each other, helping deliver the ingredients deeper into the skin. The positively charged galvanic instrument also attracts the remaining negatively charged impurities from the first mask or (pre-treat cycle), drawing them out of the skin to give your skin a fresher, more vibrant look. A Galvanic treatment can enhance the delivery of certain key ingredients for up to 24 hours. Most clients receive this facial once a month, however in my opinion, every two weeks would be ideal to achieve desired results much faster. 
All our facials are super, uber relaxig no matter what you are doing as far as treatment. We offer 3 other facials that help with any and all skin concerns but focus more on relaxation. The Mind and Body Facial or the deluxe facial, as I call it, helps to balance the Chakras of the body and utilizes hot stones on the neck, shoulders, hands and feet! Wow right?! 

Don’t let me forget our Signature Le Reve Facial that focuses on pure hydration but not without putting you practically to sleep with the hand and foot coconut treatment at the start of the facial. Literally, head to toe hydration. 🙂

For those with less than a lunch hour of availability our Mini Refresher Facial is the perfect facial for you! While this facial does not provide extractions, it is the best at topically treating all skin conditions when given a limited amount of time. Your esthetician will probably set up a series to help you reach any skin care goals you may have which is an excellent choice for this relaxing facial experience. 

Already a frequent facial-er? Ask us about setting up a Le Reve Series

So there you have it, we have a facial for everyone. Weather you want to just be pampered or are struggling finding confidence in your skin, Le Reve is here to help!
Life gets busy and sometimes stressful but dont’ forget to take care of yourself once in a while. Do little things for yourself, it’s so important. 
Have a beautiful day and look forward to seeing you at Le Reve!
Stop by for a complimentary skin consult to help determine your Facial Frequency today! 
Facial Frequency - Keep Calm and Get a Facial - Le Reve Spa
Call 805-564-2977 to book with a Le Reve Spa Coordinator

Deep Tissue Massage – Santa Barbara

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep-Tissue-le reve spa What you should know before booking a deep tissue massage

Deep Tissue Massage is designed to relieve severe tension in the muscle and the connective tissue or fascia. This type of massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Deep tissue massage is often recommended for individuals who experience consistent pain, are involved in heavy physical activity, such as athletes, and patients who have sustained physical injury. It is also not uncommon for receivers of Deep Tissue Massage to have their pain replaced with a new muscle ache for a day or two.

deep tissue massage - le reve spaDeep tissue work varies greatly. What one calls deep tissue another will call light. When receiving deep tissue work it is important to communicate what you are feeling.

How does deep tissue massage work? When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation. Deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down this adhesion to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist often uses direct deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles. If this is persistent pain, there will be a need to see a professional like a physical therapist. This can be sorted through websites like so you get the correct help.

Will deep tissue massage hurt? At certain points during the massage, most people find there is usually some discomfort and pain. It is important to tell the massage therapist when things hurt and if any soreness or pain you experience is outside your comfort range. There is usually some stiffness or pain after a deep tissue massage, but it should subside within a day or so. The massage therapist may recommend applying ice to the area after the massage. If you have poor mobility then there is the probability your mobility may decrease. If nessessary you may need to have a mobile deep tissue massage therapist come to your home to perform the massage.

What conditions is deep tissue massage used for? Unlike classic massage therapy, which is used for relaxation, deep tissue massage usually focuses on a specific problem, such as:
  • Chronic pain limited mobility
  • Recovery from injuries (e.g. whiplash, falls, sports injury)
  • Repetitive strain injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Postural problems
  • Osteoarthritis pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Muscle tension or spasm
According to the August 2005 issue of Consumer Reports magazine, 34,000 people ranked deep tissue massage more effective in relieving osteoarthritis pain than physical therapy, exercise, prescription medications, chiropractic, acupuncture, diet, glucosamine, and over-the-counter drugs. Deep tissue massage also received a top ranking for fibromyalgia pain. People often notice improved range of motion immediately after a deep tissue massage.
I feel so privileged to have such a caring and talented staff at Le Reve. Our Massage Therapist are absolutely exceptional. So whether you are needing a relaxing or a deeper more therapeutic type of massage Le Reve has you covered. Be sure to check out our tweets because every week I tweet a special Spa Offering and you could get a 1 1/2 hour massage for the price of a 1hour.
See you at the spa!

Body Treatment Santa Barbara

Body Treatment Santa Barbara

Looking for the PERFECT graduation gift?  …How about a relaxing body treatment Santa Barbara? 

The Le Reve Total Body Bliss is the perfect balance of therapy and relaxation and what better way to celebrate a graduation?

Total Body Bliss

body treatment santa barbara
The ultimate in body rejuvenation. Essential oils and herbs are used to fit your individual needs. Enjoy herbal antioxidants to exfoliate and mineral rich moor mud to assist in the regeneration of precious collagen and elastin, promoting circulation and encouraging cell renewal.
$140/90 Min
You can book this service with us online or by calling the spa at 805-564-2977
Purchase your graduate a Total Body Bliss Body Wrap treatment from Le Reve online!

Contact Us



Le Reve Spa

21 W. Gutierrez St.
Santa Barbara, Ca. 93101

Down the private outdoor walkway
between D'Angelo's Bakery
and Yoga Soup

Opening Hours

Open Daily
10am - 7pm


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