Sound Healing

Sound Healing

Sound has been used in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing. The intention is to move us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance.
How does it work?

Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave states by using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brain can attune to. It becomes possible to down-shift our normal beta state to alpha which is relaxed consciousness, and even reach theta which is the meditative state and delta; sleep. Delta state is where internal healing can occur.
What is it like?

Sound therapy treatment is both a passive and participatory experience. The passive aspect is that you become more relaxed by laying down and slowing your breath. By doing this, you prepare yourself to become the receiver of sound. It’s in this place of stillness that you participate by becoming more open and aware of each sound that comes in. Sound helps create the pathway to this place of stillness the same as a mantra helps you arrive at the still point of meditation. 

What can sound heal?

Using sound as therapy can provide results for a variety of issues including:
  •   Sleep disorders
  •   Anxiety
  •   Depression
  •   Stress management
  •   PTSD
  •   Depression
  •   Pain management
Le Reve is now offering Sound Healing, you can give us a call at 805-564-2977 to schedule an appointment. Hope to see you soon! 

xoxo, Linda