Dream Interpretation
Le Reve is now offering Dream Work
Dream Interpretation
The Soul of Beauty and Well Being
Women and men both tend to their image of beauty and body well being as an integral part of the human experience. What does beautifying offer us in terms of the soul’s work and what is it to tend to the temple of our body?
On Monday April 18th 6:30 to 7:30 pm join Barbara to re-imagine and explore beauty and beautifying as a facet of Soul by inviting in a deep connection to the images, dreams, and active imaginations that move through each of us. We explore beauty as action, our Soul’s work as image, and the heart’s response to beauty as deep inner knowing.
Barbara holds her M.A. in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and Certification in Dream Tending.
Join Our Le Reve Dream Work Talk on March 16, 2016 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm
Call (805) 564 – 2977 to reserve your seat!
Le Reve Organic Spa & Boutique www.-le-reve.com 21 W. Gutierrez St. Santa Barbara, Ca. 93101